Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sexual Liberation in a Prudish Society

What is a person that is sexually liberated supposed to do in a society like ours?  Unfortunately, with the advancement of technology, viewpoints are still remaining the same.  Just look at the myths of the last post.  Those are still thoughts that people have.  With people higher up in politics saying things like "Women should go back to the practice of holding a dime between their knees," it is a wonder that anyone could feel any sort of liberation.  So what is a person of said liberation to do?

The simple answer is....IGNORE them.  People that are liberated in any sense are always going to be misunderstood.  It is not your job to help them understand.  It is really up to them to arise to the next level.

I know this isn't the easiest thing to deal with.  Sadly, the most sexually repressed people are hiding behind the mask of Christianity and enjoy using parts of the bible to call sex dirty.  Contrarily, the bible never even hints at sex being dirty.  Some of the most beautiful erotic material is in the bible, but this isn't a pitch on Christianity.  Nevertheless, Sexual liberation doesn't mean you must forfeit your faith.  Another person's lack of deliverance has nothing to do with your liberation.

I have actually gotten to the point where I will laugh at ignorant comments. Not only are they wrong medically and ethically, they are actually laughable.  Once a person knows better, it only makes sense that they would do better, and past thoughts just seem immature.

One thing I have found as I have achieved my own status of liberation is that people's opinion of you becomes more and more insignificant as you mature.  A sexually liberated person may find himself/herself casting aside any other thoughts of people on the matter.  Honestly, that is perhaps the most effective method to take.  As stated, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE!!!  Therefore, you don't have to answer to anyone about your views on sex, sexuality, sexual identity, or anything in that arena.  You can really just IGNORE THEM.  It is a beautiful thing.

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